

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I thought it was dry skin?

So I have been dealing with THE FUNK for about two months now! I went to the doctor and they said you have dermititus we will give you some cream and all will be well. I tryed the cream and it hurt so bad to put it on i decided to not use it and let it go! "It will heal on it's own at some point I told myself"
WELL IT DID NOT HEAL! So off to the doctor I went once again. He said you have a fungus?? A fungus! He looks all over me and discovers it is also on my feet! I thought it was dry skin???? Anyways he said it is a foot fungus and it has been going on so long it has traveled and now is on your hand! Meanwhile my feet feel fine my hand is itchy and burning! He puts me on this fungus medication for a month!
Now I can deal with pain i had a ten pound kid with no medication but this stuff hurts. So last night I just finally told Josh i can't deal with this anymore i am in pain anything that touchs my hand hurts i can not take the top off of a sippy cup it hurts i can not wash my hair with that hand because the soap hurts too bad and it is getting worse after a month of meds rather than better so he said call the doctor.
i called him and he saw me this morning after trying everything else he has decided it is an immune disorder it is kind of like my immune system is confused it is attacking sickness in my body but it is also attacking my body it's self the attacks are brought on by stress. it will go away for brief periods of time but never forever, it will be somthing i will have to deal with forever. they have put me on a six day round of high dosage steroids and after that my only sorce of treatment will be UVA light treatments once a week (which i do not have time for but will have to do i guess) and botox treatments in my hands to kill some of the nerves to help with the pain and swelling??
I was in tears by the time i got to my car and josh called to see what the doctor said the first thing i told him was boo it's not going to go away and in the sweetest most soothing voice he said well ok what are we going to have to do to deal with it! i just cried i want it to go away i don't want to deal with it as he told me it would all be ok!
i know its not cancer i will not die from it but i am having a hard time with this. it is hard to type because my fingers are so swollen i can not bend them if i do bend them they will crack open and bleed.
i am writting to ask for your prayer. although to some it may not be a big deal i have never had anything that would not go away i need to function, i need to give my babies a bath without pain, i need to be able to open my own drink? I am just trusting that my God is an awsome god and he knows my need! He knows the desire of my heart to be happy and take care of my babies! I know he hears my prayer and my prayer is God heal me of this !!! Take it away i know he can and that is what i am going to pray for an out pouring of his healing all over my body to take this from me!
Thanks for listening and taking the time to read this i hope you will also keep me in your prayers!

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