

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dear Britney

Brit I have been speaking to a close friend about the recent things that have gone on in my spirital life. She told me to remind myself of scripture, to really read my bible and let it speak truth into my life! She also recomended that I print out scripture and post it everywhere and I have.
In the office infront of the sink on the wall, and even right in front of the toilet so that everytime I pee I read scripture over and over...
You have always been my sister in Christ when noone else understood that CHURCH OF GOD you did because your mom raised her hands and you knew what it was to shout to the lord and speak in tounges! LOL
I know the scripture that says bring a child up in the way it should go and that child will never depart from it is so true! I have stepped away from God at times in my life but let me tell you he has yet to leave me! I may have headed out in the wrong direction at times but something has always brought me back to the strong Christian mom that raised me to know my Lord and savior Jesus Christ! I am so thankful for that. (NOTE TO PARENTS READING THIS) If you are a christian and do not have your children in church you need to get that in check for the reason you just read!
I tell you God has broken me down and I have cried out to him more recentlly than ever I have fallin on my face and cried for help. HE HAS LIFTED ME UP ANSWERED MY PRAYERS AND LET ME KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT HE HIS HOLY! And just when I think he is not there I fall into a scripture that reasures me he is!
Now on the words thing... So true it is so often that we take out our frustrations on the ones we love because we know they will love us still after the words are said.
I read EPHESIANS 5:33 to remind myself of how I am supposed to feel in my marriage and toward my husband!
"Nevertheless let each one of you in particuar so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband"
I love that!!!!!
It reminds me that we are one, in our marriage, and in Christ.
We are soul mates Britney and I know this from long ago although we do not see each other as much as we would like our souls are still in he same place and it blows my mind how we will be facing similar problems at the same time still today! I want you to know often I have placed all my faith and all my hope in Josh that he would be all I needed him to be that he would be enough to bring me up when I am down, and often he is... BUT he is human and people will let us down, but as you know God will never let us down, our hope and our faith must be in Christ not in people! HE IS ALWAYS ENOUGH!
Much love and I pray God will speak peace into your heart and thoughtfulness into the words that come from your mouth! We all have this problem at times and it is so wonderful that you posted a blog about it you will never know how many of us can relate!
I always think about the song if we are the body why aren’t his arms reaching?? I have heard so many pastors say if you knew the cure for cancer wouldn’t you go around shouting it to the world letting everyone know what it was...
Well we know the cure for lost souls the one and only way to an eternity of happiness JESUS CHRIST why are we so ashamed to shout it out to blog about it to tell everyone we know that we know the answer?? WE SHOULD NOT BE ashamed!
Remember this, Words are like seeds what we plant WILL GROW! Do you want them to be strong roots or weeds?Proverbs 31:26"When she speaks her words are wise and kindness is the rule for EVERYTHING she says!"

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