So today there was a situation in my car. Easton my three year old wanted me to turn on the TV. I told him since we were only driving a short distance we would not be turning the TV on for this trip. He was not happy to say the least. He yelled at me TURN ON THE TV! When I said no he continued for the entire five minute car ride to yell TURN ON THE TV over and over. Needless to say this method didn't change my answer no matter how hard he tried my answer was still no.
As I looked back on that moment I thought this is very similar to the relationship some of us have with God. We pray about something, we ask God to give us an answer and many of us don't mind waiting on the answer....as long as it is a yes.
The thing is sometimes we wait and the answer is no. Sometimes we wait, and we get nothing.... no answer...(I take that as a no also.)
This is when we sometimes begin to act just like my three year old. We get angry or frustrated with God because we just are not getting the answer we had wanted from him.
He is not going to open the door for that job, you didn't get the loan you needed, the adoption didn't go through, God did not choose to heal the person you have been praying for...Sometimes the answer is just no.
Here is where you would expect me to say some kind of really wonderful thing that would make hearing no from your Heavenly Father better or easier. I don't have that word. I don't have that comfort. I think here is where we need to get off the floor stop throwing the tantrum...stop yelling at God to give us our way and fall back on his word, not only his word but his promises.
In Romans 12 the Bible tells us his will is perfect and good, in Jeremiah it tells us the Lords plans are to prosper us. You have to trust he knows best....
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Lamentations 3 22:23
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I think on the days I find myself most confused I run to his word, I run to the answers he has given me.
I will leave you with this quote as you ponder how you will handle the answer no from God...
We only want His BEST!!!! If what we want doesn't line up with what He wants for us then it will always be second best!
Tabitha Lewis
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