Well it's been a while since my last post so here is whats on my heart for the moment. Question for us all of us today is "Do you have an intimate relationship with Christ or is it with Church?"
I think at times we think we must do for Christ instead of live for him! Look at your life are you consumed with Christ or with church! Do you wake every morning to get into the word of God to read your bible and get closer in your relationship with him or do you get up every morning to get onto your calendar and plan a church event? Do you ponder constantly about what more you can do, while letting your "Christ like" image slip away in the mist of your event planning?
I had to ask myself this question recently. What is more important my work or my relationship. I also had to pray that God would keep clear my spirit so that I do not confuse my love of ministry work with my love for Christ.
Are you so overwhelmed with Church that you forget it is not Christ. Yes Christ loves the church but without him in your life, without that relationship with him where are we all?
Do we hide our trash or our JUNK as Pastor Chris says by covering it with our work? Do we think the work we do is enough to impress God so much that we think the intimate relationship is not necessary? Do we cover our distant relationship with our work so that others won't know just how far we have slipped away from a true relationship with Christ.
When is that point when you break down and say I am working so much in my ministry that I don't even take the time to have a life outside of it. My marriage is consumed by my ministry, my children are consumed by my ministry, my thoughts are consumed by my ministry.
I heard someone say some times doing good things is not always the best thing? In other words you can do a lot of good things and be a good person, but at what cost are you loosing the best things to do the good things?
I guess we all have moments when we loose sight of what is really important in our life. We sometimes forget that it is not our works that gets us into Heaven, but our salvation. We must remember that God our father is in love with the fact that we love him. That we read our bible and actually live what it says. That we are in love with him not in love with what we do for him.
In saying this I have prayed God give me balance. Give me an open heart to know just what is my relationship with you and just what I maybe mistaking for you but is truley just work. Bring me closer to you, consume me with your GRACE & MERCY!
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