

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So while downtown last weekend I met a guy by the name of TimTV he is part of a freak show called The Inner Cirkus! Pretty awsome folks! They spend alot of time hulahooping in falls park! REALLY FUN! I have hooped with them and you do find your inner child again somehow while hulahooping as an adult.

Anyways he gave Boo his card so I followed it to his myspace page where I found the following blog. You can tell by the looks of this VERY DIFFERENT 37 year old man, he has a very open mind and an obvious third eye!


Yesterday I wrote a letter to my friend Amelia. As I was writing, this happened and I wrote it as I saw it...
I'm sitting in the lobby area of our public library. It's got softfurniture and tables and wireless internet for people like me who needto send emails to people like you. The ceiling is forever tall andone whole wall is all windows to the sidewalk outside. A little girljust walked by a moment ago. Her walk was not a walk like a regularperson would picture "walking" to be. It was more like a dance. Her spiritinside was dancing so much that it came out through her walk. On herface I could see that she could hear the music of the Universe. Clearas day. Her dad couldn't hear it; he didn't even notice. The manwaiting for the bus couldn't hear it; he was too busy... waiting. Butthat litle girl was like a perfect little kite, effortlessly at onewith the flow of the Way. Isn't it so funny, that what at one time in their lives most peoplehad, they spend the rest of their lives looking for...? And evenfunnier to me; they always look OUTSIDE themselves to find it. Heh.
ai o komete,

Anyways I loved this blog because it made me think of my Meccia! She at only five years old much like her parents marches to the beat of a different drummer! She is her own little person who can sometimes be found in her own little world! She is a kind and caring person who is wonderful inside and out! Sometimes in the middle of my stress and crazy day I am running around like a wild person I will find her in a tutu dancing around with not a care in the world. She sings all the time her latest is "life is a highway" LOL Anyways when we named her Meccia Soul we could not have hit the nail any closer her soul flys free. She is the little girl in that library and I hope somehow she can hold onto that free spirit. I would be just as proud of her if she turns out to be a dancer or maybe even a hulahooper as I would if she where a boring doctor or something! I love you Meccia keep listening to the song life sings to you and keep your heart open one day it will take you great places!

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