So my dad has struggled with praying out loud for sometime now and we talked about it the other day. He said "Cody I pray all the time to myself, but in front of a bunch of people I just get choked up" I said dad pray for God to give you words and he will...
The next night at choir he was called on to pray! AND HE DID! He called me and I was so proud! I said well how did you do? He said I think i did ok...
Yesterday in my quiet time I was lead to this scripture. Exodus 4:10-12
Here Moses pleads with the Lord, O Lord I'm just not a good speaker. I never have been, and I'm not now, even after you have spoken to me. I'm clumsy with words.
Who makes mouths? The Lord asked him. Who makes people so they speak or not speak, hear or not hear, see or not see? Is it not I, the Lord?
Then he tells Moses to go and do as he has told him. The Lord tells him I will help you speak well, and I will tell you what to say.
As followers of Christ we need to hear God's voice saying to us...You may not be able to do it on your own but I made you I know what you need and I will help you!
Moses took heed to those words and trusted in God's strength rather than focusing on what he couldn't do with his own strength.
I am proud of my dad for his outward praise in Choir practice and I know God was too!
Ab Lincoln once said without the assistance of the divine being...I can not succeed. With that assistance, I can not fail.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I HATE you so much right now!
Dear Sir,
I am a friend of your girlfriend/your wife/your daughter. I want you to know a few things...
I hate you when I see her broken. I hate you when I see her tears. I hate you when I see the person you have made her become. I hate what you do to her on the inside and out. You control her even more than you think. I hate that she works to keep your heart. Your heart is distant, cold, unreachable. She will never be good enough to make you change. I hate the bruises that cover her body because you think this makes you a man? The screams don't matter to you and your apologies don't matter to me!
It sickens me to think you have convinced her this is her fault or even worse that you have beat her down to the point she feels as though she deserves it! I hate the way you speak to her, the way you use her, the way you cheat her out of life. I hate how she smiles when you call because she doesn't realize what a punk you really are! I hate the way she won't take my help when I offer to take her far away to a place where there is love and safety!
You know what I hate the most! I hate the control you have over me!! I hate that you can feel my soul with such dark feelings! I hate that you have taken my friend! I hate that you make me cry for her that you make my heart break for her pain!
I am praying God will heal her pain. That one day she will realize I write and feel these things because I love her.
You are no man! You are a child! You are a child of God even if I think you don't deserve to be so I will even pray for you.
I am a friend of your girlfriend/your wife/your daughter. I want you to know a few things...
I hate you when I see her broken. I hate you when I see her tears. I hate you when I see the person you have made her become. I hate what you do to her on the inside and out. You control her even more than you think. I hate that she works to keep your heart. Your heart is distant, cold, unreachable. She will never be good enough to make you change. I hate the bruises that cover her body because you think this makes you a man? The screams don't matter to you and your apologies don't matter to me!
It sickens me to think you have convinced her this is her fault or even worse that you have beat her down to the point she feels as though she deserves it! I hate the way you speak to her, the way you use her, the way you cheat her out of life. I hate how she smiles when you call because she doesn't realize what a punk you really are! I hate the way she won't take my help when I offer to take her far away to a place where there is love and safety!
You know what I hate the most! I hate the control you have over me!! I hate that you can feel my soul with such dark feelings! I hate that you have taken my friend! I hate that you make me cry for her that you make my heart break for her pain!
I am praying God will heal her pain. That one day she will realize I write and feel these things because I love her.
You are no man! You are a child! You are a child of God even if I think you don't deserve to be so I will even pray for you.
Monday, September 27, 2010
In my Life....
I have been having intentional devotions lately. I am ashamed to tell you that is not something I have always done in my life. I feel like God has been revealing and convicting during my recent quiet time. Although not always so quietly, Jesus is speaking to me.
Today God brought to my attention John 16:33
You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.
We grow up having expectations, the house we will live in, the car we will drive, that we will never be sick, or even how perfect our spouse will be. We don't see a point in preparing for disappointment.
Jesus was upfront with his disciples when he told them what to expect in life. If we want to avoid the anger and disappointment that comes with the unrealistic thoughts of our "perfect life" then we must not insist that it be perfect....
We can not base our moods on how things are going. We need to put our confidence in God, who never changes, and choose to be ok with a life that IS GOING to change from moment to moment.
In 1Peter 4:12-13 it says Dear Friends do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.
Today God brought to my attention John 16:33
You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.
We grow up having expectations, the house we will live in, the car we will drive, that we will never be sick, or even how perfect our spouse will be. We don't see a point in preparing for disappointment.
Jesus was upfront with his disciples when he told them what to expect in life. If we want to avoid the anger and disappointment that comes with the unrealistic thoughts of our "perfect life" then we must not insist that it be perfect....
We can not base our moods on how things are going. We need to put our confidence in God, who never changes, and choose to be ok with a life that IS GOING to change from moment to moment.
In 1Peter 4:12-13 it says Dear Friends do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
In 1st Corinthians(6:19) it says Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received from God?
The angel of the Lord told Moses "Take the shoes off your feet, for the ground on which you stand is Holy ground" Exodus 3:5
That ground was Holy because the Holy one was there. Now if we have received Christ through faith in Jesus we are that that temple for the Holy Ghost.
Everywhere we go is a Holy place because God is inside of us. God is not a building for us to visit and take in on Sunday mornings. You as a believer take God with you where ever you go.
So that being said you can talk to him anywhere you are. In jail or in the grocery store he is there. In painful times or in triumph he is there.
When you realize this and allow God to be a part of all you do, of each thing you do each day this is when you see a change in your life.
I am trying to remember God is always with me so I should want to make him proud in every aspect of my life. YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM GOD...
One Love
The angel of the Lord told Moses "Take the shoes off your feet, for the ground on which you stand is Holy ground" Exodus 3:5
That ground was Holy because the Holy one was there. Now if we have received Christ through faith in Jesus we are that that temple for the Holy Ghost.
Everywhere we go is a Holy place because God is inside of us. God is not a building for us to visit and take in on Sunday mornings. You as a believer take God with you where ever you go.
So that being said you can talk to him anywhere you are. In jail or in the grocery store he is there. In painful times or in triumph he is there.
When you realize this and allow God to be a part of all you do, of each thing you do each day this is when you see a change in your life.
I am trying to remember God is always with me so I should want to make him proud in every aspect of my life. YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM GOD...
One Love
Monday, June 7, 2010
Good Morning
When I said, My foot is slipping, Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, Held me up. Psalm 94:18
I seem to be a "NOT SO HAPPY" morning person. I wake up ok but the second something doesn't go my way I tend to walk around with a negative attitude, for the rest of the day.
If someone offends me in the morning my anger will follow me through out the rest of my day.
I am trying to change my out look...
Praise be to God that I get to wake up each morning with new mercy, and new Joy renewed and ready to begin with a positive attitude.
Keeping my feet firmly planted in God's word. There can be no bad day when Gods word supports, and strengthens us.
I seem to be a "NOT SO HAPPY" morning person. I wake up ok but the second something doesn't go my way I tend to walk around with a negative attitude, for the rest of the day.
If someone offends me in the morning my anger will follow me through out the rest of my day.
I am trying to change my out look...
Praise be to God that I get to wake up each morning with new mercy, and new Joy renewed and ready to begin with a positive attitude.
Keeping my feet firmly planted in God's word. There can be no bad day when Gods word supports, and strengthens us.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Daddy's not here...
This week Josh has been in Fl on business. He used to travel a good bit but has not been gone for this long in quit a while. The first day was not so bad. The second day my youngest son Easton who is two began saying "Daddy working?" In his own little way he was asking me where he was...
We limit talking to Josh on the phone while he is out of town because it just seems to get the children upset. Carson did have one conversation with him wile he was gone where he simply asked "Daddy can you come home pleeease?"
I was forced to think of Brittany Batson and Katherine Church as I sat listening to my child needing his daddy. My heart cried as I thought of the many questions that will come in the days ahead. I thought of how hard it had been to be without Josh for the past few days and then tried to imagine how it would feel to know he was not coming home...I couldn't!
I prayed for the families this week that have suffered a great loss, and even more the sweet children of these great men!
As Josh pulled into the drive way this morning and I ran to him and held him in my arms I thought of my precious friend Amber and how I know she would give about anything to be able to do that again. To run to Brent and hold him in her arms!
I know this doesn't seem like a very positive or touching blog. I guess I am just typing my feelings with the thought in mind that life is not guaranteed. Make each moment count. Love like it was your last day to love! Live like you are not going to live another day! Whoever that person is that you love but have not told them lately let them know today!
Pray for the mothers of these babies, and for the families as they go through each day without such an important person in their lives.
Most importantly as Brad Batson says keep the main thing the main thing!
I miss you Brent and Russ you will forever be in the hearts of all who laughed with you, loved you, had you as a friend, or ever crossed your path. I am so thankful I was one of those people!
We limit talking to Josh on the phone while he is out of town because it just seems to get the children upset. Carson did have one conversation with him wile he was gone where he simply asked "Daddy can you come home pleeease?"
I was forced to think of Brittany Batson and Katherine Church as I sat listening to my child needing his daddy. My heart cried as I thought of the many questions that will come in the days ahead. I thought of how hard it had been to be without Josh for the past few days and then tried to imagine how it would feel to know he was not coming home...I couldn't!
I prayed for the families this week that have suffered a great loss, and even more the sweet children of these great men!
As Josh pulled into the drive way this morning and I ran to him and held him in my arms I thought of my precious friend Amber and how I know she would give about anything to be able to do that again. To run to Brent and hold him in her arms!
I know this doesn't seem like a very positive or touching blog. I guess I am just typing my feelings with the thought in mind that life is not guaranteed. Make each moment count. Love like it was your last day to love! Live like you are not going to live another day! Whoever that person is that you love but have not told them lately let them know today!
Pray for the mothers of these babies, and for the families as they go through each day without such an important person in their lives.
Most importantly as Brad Batson says keep the main thing the main thing!
I miss you Brent and Russ you will forever be in the hearts of all who laughed with you, loved you, had you as a friend, or ever crossed your path. I am so thankful I was one of those people!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Day by Day
Well recently several people have mentioned they miss my daily blogs. I have been wanting to try to find more time to blog lately but sometimes find it hard. Not due to time but to my emotions. I am an emotional blogger. I blog when I have strong feelings about a subject and want to share something I think people might want to read.
I am beginning to think this is not what all people want from my blog. Most of what I hear is how do you do that with four kids? You should blog about your day to day mishaps as a mom. Well I never have because I don't hold myself on a pedestal because I have four kids. Some moms have more than me, some moms have children with special needs and do way more amazing things than what I do everyday!
So I am going to try to do this short daily blog of the highlights of my day each evening. We will see how many people are interested.
I thought this week would be a good week to start. It is the last day of school tomorrow, and Josh has a crazy work schedule this week so I guarantee there will be many emotions to type about this week.
I hope everyone is as productive as me today top of my to do list clean the toilets! LOL
I am beginning to think this is not what all people want from my blog. Most of what I hear is how do you do that with four kids? You should blog about your day to day mishaps as a mom. Well I never have because I don't hold myself on a pedestal because I have four kids. Some moms have more than me, some moms have children with special needs and do way more amazing things than what I do everyday!
So I am going to try to do this short daily blog of the highlights of my day each evening. We will see how many people are interested.
I thought this week would be a good week to start. It is the last day of school tomorrow, and Josh has a crazy work schedule this week so I guarantee there will be many emotions to type about this week.
I hope everyone is as productive as me today top of my to do list clean the toilets! LOL
Friday, March 19, 2010
My my my we call ourselves Christians but harbor so much HATE and JEALOUSY in our hearts toward others! Man you drink a beer, or listen to a song that has not been saved! LOL, or God forbid you date someone outside your race, or HEAVEN FORBID you love like Jesus loved and be friends with some one who is gay? I mean really are we so busy pointing fingers that we don't take the time to live like Jesus would have us live! He told me to love not to pick who I love, I follow the Ten commandments not the local old school church commandments. Man I am BITTER tonight I am embarrassed I let this stupidity take such a toll on my heart! Stop trying to make the Bible match your tradition and start reading what the Word really tells us.....
HAPPY NUT FREE EASTER Everyone! I wanted to take a second to remind everyone who will be buying candy for their own kids or for the local church or and other event to keep it safe keep it NUT FREE!
I wanted to list my safe candy list because I find on a lot of nut free parents blogs they tend to list candies that have to be ordered off a website & many of us don't have the time nor money to do that! In our family we usually just stick to the large companies with clear allergy info on the package and on the websites! I listed several of these back in the Halloween season but wanted to re list today..
Tootsie rolls
Tootsie roll pops
Smarties both rolls and pouches
Dum-Dum pops
I would like to promote Dum-Dums they are not only tree nut/peanut free they are also milk,egg,wheat, and gluten free! I think this is awesome!
I can not find and nut products in the allergy info for any of the Air Head products on the website but these products do contain wheat. So for us Air Head products are SAFE!
Also CHARMS is made by the Tootsie company they make BLOW POPS they are also safe!
Hershey's Kisses are said to be safe on a few other "nutty mom's blogs" although I have not researched that one myself.
YUMMY EARTH products are all safe for the "top 8" Allergens
REMEMBER to always read your packaging because things change everyday.
I wanted to list my safe candy list because I find on a lot of nut free parents blogs they tend to list candies that have to be ordered off a website & many of us don't have the time nor money to do that! In our family we usually just stick to the large companies with clear allergy info on the package and on the websites! I listed several of these back in the Halloween season but wanted to re list today..
Tootsie rolls
Tootsie roll pops
Smarties both rolls and pouches
Dum-Dum pops
I would like to promote Dum-Dums they are not only tree nut/peanut free they are also milk,egg,wheat, and gluten free! I think this is awesome!
I can not find and nut products in the allergy info for any of the Air Head products on the website but these products do contain wheat. So for us Air Head products are SAFE!
Also CHARMS is made by the Tootsie company they make BLOW POPS they are also safe!
Hershey's Kisses are said to be safe on a few other "nutty mom's blogs" although I have not researched that one myself.
YUMMY EARTH products are all safe for the "top 8" Allergens
REMEMBER to always read your packaging because things change everyday.
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